
Another good ‘Tern’ for Chesil’s special little birds

THIS year’s record of more than 45 Little Terns that have successfully fledged on Chesil Beach is a powerful endorsement of the hard work o local volunteers, and the positive results of the Chesil Little Tern Recovery Project. This year’s crop of Little Tern chicks is a remarkable increase on 2021’s three fledglings, and shows…


The occupation of Jersey

THE November event in the Guardians of Martock Church programme is a talk rather than a concert, looking at life on the Channel Island of Jersey during the Nazi occupation in the Second World War. The talk is at the Martock Fellowship Hall on Thursday 16th November at 2pm. The Nazi occupation of the Channel…


Topping out marks end of 37-year restoration

SALISBURY Cathedral clergy and stonemasons celebrated the end of 37 years of restoration and repairs with a topping out ceremony, when Canon Kenneth Padley, the Cathedral Canon Treasurer, climbed to the top of the scaffolding on the East End to bless the cross that sits high above the Trinity Chapel. Canon Kenneth’s blessing marked a…


Cathedral peregrines leave the roost

SALISBURY Cathedral’s peregrine season has drawn to a close, as the last of the three chicks leaves the rooftop roost and the livestream cameras have been shut down. The two female chicks, Lily and Rose, have headed off, while Rex, the only male hatched this year, has stayed closer to the roost, and has been…


Sample delights at the Bath Vegan Festival

AS more and more people reduce their meat consumption and explore vegetarian and vegan food, the Bath Vegan Festival on Saturday 3rd June provides a great opportunity to learn about what is available, not only in food and drink, but skincare, homewares, crafts, clothing and a healthy lifestyle. The event, at Bath Pavilion, will feature…


Wild about Wilding

THE new series of Help Our Planet talks, by leading scientists, environmentalists and writers, continues at Sladers Yard, West Bay, on Wednesday 29th March, when Julia Hailes will discuss the practicalities and necessity of rewilding. Julia Hailes is a sustainability pioneer with more than 35 years in the green sector. She’s a campaigner, writer, speaker,…


Launch event for sustainable farming project

PLANS to create an Avalon Agroecological Area, within a five-mile radius of Glastonbury, bringing together farmers, growers, conservationists and local councils will be launched at Glastonbury Town Hall on 19th March. The aim of the project, called 5FF (5 miles farming and food), is to support local farmers and food growers to embrace more nature-…


Support willow planting at Bere Marsh

THE national conservation charity, the Countryside Regeneration Trust (CRT), is planting fast-growing willows (osiers) on Bere Marsh Farm near Shillingstone in Dorset and is appealing for public donations to help protect the young trees. Deer cause catastrophic damage to trees by stripping the shoots, foliage and flowering buds. The fence will protect the recently planted willow…


Stories of Salisbury women

THE winter exhibition at the Salisbury Museum in the Cathedral Close is Her Salisbury Story, running until 16th April 2023. It has been inspired by the Her Salisbury Story project and website, which aims to bring Salisbury’s heritage alive by exploring women’s stories, celebrating the lives of the city’s women past and present. The aim…


Autumn talks at the Museum of Somerset

THE autumn and winter talks programme at the Museum of Somerset in Taunton continues on Remembrance Day, 11th November, with Richard Cooper-Knight talking about the Commonwealth war graves of Somerset. Richard published Death and Service which explores some of the stories behind the 800 First World War graves found across the county. Somerset Wildlife Trust’s…