The Travel Section

Prawn on the Fourth of July

ONE of the (many) reasons why we love Philippa Davis – apart from the blazingly obvious that she is a brilliant and inspirational chef – is her ability to make  excruciating food puns out of her various travels and commissions. She is now in the USA for several weeks, working in Boston, where her visit…


Fishing for condiments

TRAVELLING chef Philippa Davis continues her account of her weeks by a salmon river in the Highlands of Scotland. This week she discovers that fishing is fun and shares a recipe for horseradish sauce, the perfect complement to fresh wild Scottish salmon, as it is to perfect roast beef … There were members of my…


Quite the catch …

TRAVELLING chef Philippa Davis has been off to Scotland again, this time to the Highlands to cook for a salmon fishing week on the River Findhorn – lots of big breakfasts, afternoon teas, help yourself suppers and best of all barbecues by the river … “OH, it’s easy to find, you can’t miss it !”…


Abruzzo: an Italian secret worth discovering

LARGELY overlooked by the holiday brochures and travel writers, Abruzzo is arguably one of the least known regions of Italy – and that’s a crying shame. This sizeable territory, midway down the ‘calf’ of Italy’s shapely leg, has much to offer visitors and could certainly use a healthy injection of tourist currency. Abruzzo borders Le…


Welcome to the land of Montalbano

THE Sicilian Baroque masterpiece that is Ragusa Ibla would be a crowd-puller come what may – but its dusting of showbiz glamour means it packs a double-strength punch in the tourism stakes. Ibla, the smaller, older partner of Ragusa Superiore, has been the location for many films in recent years but is now most famous…


Thai thighs and other sky-high ski delights

TRAVELLING chef Philippa Davis has been in the Alps, catering for skiers in the French resort of Tignes, reflecting on the various types she observes on her many recent flights … (oh, and serving delicious food, of course!) I realise you don’t have to be in Sherlock’s league to decipher the purpose of everyone’s trip. …


Fresh tastes of the West Coast

WE get bored with hearing how bad the food is in the USA – it’s nearly as unfunny and untrue as the idea that you can’t eat well in Britain (outside London, of course). In our experience, over nearly 30 years of visiting friends and family and travelling around the States, you can eat some…